Our Vision:
Griffin State School is committed to creating a supportive, innovative learning community where each learner is successful. Our school vision Anchored in Excellence articulates a commitment to ensure learners experience quality learning that challenges and enables them to become literate, numerate and curious. In the Griffin community, Learning is the Work where each learner's character and competence is consciously curated.
The Griffin Graduate will be:
- Be literate, numerate and curious
- Have a steadfast belief in their own ability to learn and be successful
- Have an understanding of, and respect for, Indigenous ways and cultural diversity
- Be well-rounded individuals with the character and competence to take their place in the world
- Be more curious about learning than when they arrived.
Our Values:

- Humanity - a work of the heart
- Integrity - a work of the mind
- Grit - a work of effort.
Our Core Priorities:
Each learner is:
- Literate
- Numerate
- Curious